Omnify Data Importer
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Once you have logged in to the Omnify Data Importer, you will be redirected to the Data Importer main page. The main page consists of the following areas:

Area Description
Banner General information and links to logout and return to the Omnify Server Home Page
Task List Pane Lists all import tasks and provides task editing functions
Task Properties Area Provides source, mapping, and option creation/editing for import tasks

You can log out of the Data Importer by clicking the Logout hyperlink in the banner.

The Data Importer executes "Import Tasks". You can define multiple Import Tasks for a single Importer run. Import Tasks are run consecutively based on the order defined in the Tasks List Pane.

Some Importer Task Types (such as: Document loading, BOM creation, Vendor Item assignment) may depend on existing Omnify objects. Therefore, it is important to define the task order based on task types.

For example, if you are importing item documents, you may need to create an item creation/update task for the data source before creating the item document task to ensure specified items exist in the database.

Each task will have a task type:

Task Type Description
Item Data Creates new items and updates data on existing items.

Note: this task type also allows you to assign vendor items. To assign vendors items, they must exist in the system first. Thus, you may want to create a Vendor Items task before executing an Item Data task.
Vendor Items Creates new vendor items and updates data on existing vendor items.
Service Objects Creates new service objects and updates data on existing service objects.
BOM Data Creates new BOMs and replaces data on existing BOMs.
Item Documents Uploads new documents and assigns them to existing items.
Vendor Item Documents Uploads new documents and assigns them to existing vendor items.
Change/ECO Documents Uploads new documents and assigns them to existing Changes/ECOs.

Refer to the Tasks section for more information on import tasks.
The Omnify Data Importer will create and update objects directly in the Omnify database. Once the import is complete, you cannot "undo" any changes.

Omnify requires that you perform a full database backup before all Importer sessions.

Database backups can be performed using the Microsoft SQL Server provided tools, 3rd party backup utilities, or by using the Omnify Server Wizard.

Please contact Omnify Support for additional information on using the Importer and backing up your database.