Overview |
You can assign attributes to any Project.
Attributes provide you with a way to describe the Project in a more structured manner than the Description text field.
You can set required attributes for each Project Type.
Attributes Page |
Top |
The Attributes Page contains the following sections:
Toolbar |
Quick access to common attribute functions |
Attribute List |
Current attribute names and values (based on selected attribute group/filter) |
Attribute Group Filter |
Attribute groups list that allows you to display only certain attributes |
Attribute Fields |
Top |
Attribute fields are defined in the Omnify Administrator.
Attribute fields can have the following type:
- Text - Any characters can be used in the value
- Numeric - Values can only contain numeric values
- Date/Time - Values can only be in Date/Time format
Attribute Values types can be:
- User Edit - User can pick from an existing or type in a new value
- Pick List - User can only select from a list of values defined in the Administrator.
- Multiple Value - User can select multiple values from a list defined in the Administrator.
User Edit fields can appear as single text line or multiple text lines.
Adding/Editing Attribute Values |
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To modify the attributes, click the Edit Attributes toolbar button.
This will place the fields in an edit mode and allow the user to set field values.
To cancel the editing mode, click the Cancel toolbar button.
To apply any field value changes, click the Save Settings toolbar button.
Depending on the value type, you will be able to select a value from a drop list (pick list), type a value (user edit), or select from a list (multiple values).
Each field will provide a Select Value icon that will allow you to select values from the database.
To clear/remove attribute values, click the Clear/Remove Value icon.
Copy/Paste Operations |
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You can copy the attributes from one item to another using the Copy and Paste commands on the toolbar or menus.
To copy an individual field, check the field checkbox next to the attribute field.
To copy the checked attribute fields, click the Copy command on the Attributes toolbar.
To paste attribute values, click the Paste command on the Attributes toolbar.
Note the paste command will only appear when you are in Edit mode.
Attribute Group Filter |
Top |
Attributes can be grouped into user-defined collections.
These "collections" can then provide different attribute views on the Attributes page of the Item Master form in Desktop.
Attribute Groups are defined in the Administrator.
Selecting a group will modify the Attribute list to display only the attributes defined for that group.
The Attributes list will contain 3 default attribute filters:
- <Applied> - Lists only those attributes that have values
- <All> - Lists all attributes (assigned and unassigned)
- <Required Attributes> - Displays the Required Attributes (assigned in the Administrator)